Survey of Corporate Sustainability Rankings: Only 56% of Experts use Ratings in Decision-Making

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Good survey about sustainability ratings, with 850 respondents — sustainbility experts from business, government, NGOs, academia.


Some findings…

– “There were no real surprises when experts identified the ratings they’re most familiar with: DJSI and CDP take the number one and two slots respectively, followed by FTSE4Good and Bloomberg. These ratings are also among those that experts put most trust in, with CDP (65% credibility), FTSE4Good (54%) and DJSI (53%) leading the pack.”

– “64% of experts polled say they use ratings at least once every few months to gain intelligence on a company’s sustainability efforts, and 57% use them with similar frequency to benchmark companies against their peers”

– “56% of experts either never use ratings for this purpose, or do so at most once a year. For companies investing considerable effort in responding to raters’ requests, this figure is likely to be disappointing.”


On that last finding – Yikes! But… it would be so much more informative to know the details. For example, how many of those respondents were in the business sector (or… investment sector in particular)?  I’ve requested the details from the report authors and will update this post if I hear back.


Link to video, summary results here:

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